09.09.19 - 05.12.19 (Week 3 - Week 16)

Helen Angelia (0336203)

Animation Fundamentals

Project 1 - Stop Motion


We were briefed about the stop motion that we're going to do the work in a group but will be graded individually. the students then planned to make a flower stop motion: cycle of how flower will bloom. Beginning from seeds, sprouts, leaves, and flowers, then became seeds again. However, we need to do it in certain patterns that is given by Ms. Anis.

Here is my part of the stop motion and my notes to keep me in track:

Fig 1.1
Stop Motion Sketch

Stop Motion Final Outcome

Here is the Google Drive Link for full compilation:



I don't really have much to show in the project 1 e-portfolio, because I forgot to document it. It was actually pretty tiring to do stop motion because it took the students for maybe 4 weeks or more? We always went to the photo studio after classes and continue working on our project. Even though the stop motion was a bit messy, but we kind of like how it turned out to be.


I tried to observe the little details that we need to put into a stop motion, like we couldn't move the things too fast and all of them must be in order. Once it gets messy it will be quite hard to return it as it was in the beginning.


I learned and found out a lot from my classmates in making a good stop motion. I don't really know how to make a stop motion because I haven't really familiar with it, but now that my classmates have shown me how to do it, it became more clear now.


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