03.06.19 - 25.06.19 (Week 10 - Week 13)

Helen Angelia (0336203)

Advanced Typography

Final Project


Lecture 10: -

03.06.19 (Week 10)

No lectures for this week as it is public holiday.

Lecture 11: Typography Perception and Organization, and Typography in Different Mediums.

10.06.19 (Week 11)

For this week, there were two presentations by my classmates.

Lecture 12: -

17.06.19 (Week 12)

There was no lecture this week as we continued on finishing our project 2 and finding ideas for final project.

Lecture 13: -

24.06.19 (Week 13)

There was no lecture this week as we continued working on our final project.


Module Information Booklet (MIB)


03.06.19 (Week 10)

Based on the brief and what Mr. Vinod had told us, we were supposed to make a typeface that provides solution to larger problems or adding value to an existing use. We were told to find ideas for our final project and here is my proposal:

From those ideas, the lecturers approved of the second one which is Sundanese Script (Aksara Sunda). At first, I chose Circus typeface because I wanted to experiment typefaces that represents circus, both the good and fun sides and also the dark creepy sides. However, when I asked for feedbacks, the lecturers said that it doesn't solve any problems and I should think of a new idea. They suggests me to do something more cultural about Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, or Indonesian.

Seeing my friends doing a lot of from unknown tribes from all over the world, I finally got an idea to do the Sundanese Script from my hometown region. Based on the information I found on the internet, Sundanese script is made by Sundanese people, which is the second-largest ethnic group in Indonesia after Javanese. The script was originally build based on Old Sundanese Script (Aksara Sunda Kuno) between the 14th - 18th centuries. As it is one of Sundanese culture, the government has a way in preserving the Sundanese script by making it as a compulsory study in ever school in West Java area.

However, there are still many people who has difficulties in understanding the script, as we are now already familiarized ourselves with Roman Alphabets or typefaces that we know now such as Times New Roman, Helevetica Neue, etc. Hence, the lecturers recommended me to the dilingual typefaces which has scripts and alphabets to solve this problem. Also, by me doing so, I could help students in learning Sundanese script the easy way, introducing Sundanese as well as Indonesian cultures to foreigners, and supporting the locals Sundanese which has dyslexia towards alphabets.

Fig 1.1
Existing Typefaces of Sundanese Scripts

Since there are a lot of existing typefaces of the Sundanese Scripts, I chose to do the most simplest and understandable one which the people are most familiar with.

Fig 1.2
Chosen Sundanese Script

10.06.19 (Week 11)

In this week, I started making sketch of the Sundanese script to implement it in digital.

Fig 1.3
Final Project Typography Sketch
Sundanese Script Alphabet

After I got approval, started to digitalise it.

Fig 1.4
First Attempt Digitalising

When I showed it to the lecturers, Mr. Vinod said that I need more space in some letters like M and W as it looks cramped.

Fig 1.5
Final Attempt Digitalising
17.06.19 (Week 12)

After I'm done with the Roman Alphabets, I moved on to digitalising the scripts.

Fig 1.6
Process of Digitalising Vowel 'A'

First of all, I made boxes to all the typefaces so they will have the same size. Then I started to trace the boxes and adjust the curves of the scripts and alphabets. Since they were all made from the same method, they have the same size. However, since there are typefaces that needs more space than the others, they were created a little bit wider than the rest.

Fig 1.7
First Attempt of Digitalising Sundanese Script

Again, the script also needs some space in some letters after showing it to Mr. Vinod.

Fig 1.8
Final Attempt of Digitalising Sundanese Script

After I fixed the scripts, the lecturers said that the alphabets and scripts has already had the same style.

Sundanese Script Roman Alphabets

Sundanese Script Digitalised

Application Use

Here is my first thoughts for the application use. However there were a lot of changes more than expected.

24.06.19 (Week 13)

1st Application Use - Words Examples (Digital)

For this week, I tried to find out how I can apply this to the application use. Mr. Vinod recommended me to make simple words with script, Sundanese Script pronounciation, Sundanese, English and Indonesian to help the people learn the language.

Fig 1.8

Fig 1.9
1st Attempt of Word Examples

Fig 2.0
Mr. Vinod's Example

Final Attempt of 1st Application Use
Words Examples

01.07.19 (Week 14)

2nd Application Use - Scripts and Alphabets

For the second application use, I wanted to make something that has been used by every school in West Java area whenever the students are studying Sundanese language. Usually, in my high school, my teacher would just gave the students a paper contained of Sundanese script, script pronounciation, and Rarangkén, but on a photocopy paper which is really ugly and may be hard to understand for some students.

Unfortunately, the paper has already been lost and I couldn't enhance the script without it, so I opened the internet and tried to find a paper of Sundanese script which is used to educate the students.

Fig 2.1

Then I started making them in my own style with the hope students can understand it easier. First of all, I tried to make it in A4 paper as it is based on the references.

Fig 2.2
A4 Application Use
Script and Alphabets

After that, since I made the script not only for students but also for local people to learn alphabets, I made the 2nd Application Use into A3 poster, just like what Senior Nadia suggested me to do.

Final Outcome of 2nd Application Use
Scripts and Alphabets

Fig 2.3
Final Outcome of 2nd Application Use
Scripts and Alphabets (Printed and Framed)

3rd Application Use - Learning Cards

Besides doing the words examples in digital medium and scripts and alphabets tables to help learning, I also wanted to make something in A6 papers which is also printing medium. I also haven't consulted to Mr. Vinod for this one, but since Mr. Vinod said "Up to you", I just assumed that it's green light for me to proceed in doing everything I want for the final project, as long as it is relevant to my research proposal.

At first I did want to make an A6 book, but I haven't really learned how to make a book so it was kind of risky and the deadline was also drawing near, so I need to think of something simple and quick. Then, when I was in the middle of designing the template in Adobe Illustrator, a thought came to mind: "Why don't I make a learning cards for kids/beginners to make the Sundanese scripts more effective and fun to learn?"

After that, I started to finish the template as quickly as possible because I don't have time anymore.

Fig 2.4
Learning Cards Process

Final Outcome of 3rd Application Use
Learning Cards

Fig 2.5
Cutting Process (After Printing)

Fig 2.6
Packaging Process

Fig 2.7
Final Outcome 3rd Application Use
Learning Cards (Side)

 Fig 2.8
Final Outcome 3rd Application Use
Learning Cards (Front)

4th Application Use - Learning Cards Stop Motion

After I'm done printing, cutting, and packaging, Mr. Vinod tasked me to do stop motion on Tuesday to show that it's a learning card and there's letters on both sides of the paper.

Final Outcome of 4th Application Use
Stop-Motion Learning Cards
Model: Zoe Wong


As my final project proposal was to make the Sundanese script be preserved in this modern era, as well as teaching students in learning Sundanese scripts, local Sundanese in learning Alphabets, and dilingual typefaces for foreigners to learn more about Indonesian culture, I've made 4 final outcomes for my final result.

Application Use 1: Words Examples

It is the first idea recommended by Mr. Vinod to me for my application use in academic purpose. He told me to choose any simple words and when I'm done, embedded it in PDF. It is to teach people in writing the words in Sundanese script, know how to pronounce the script, learning Sundanese, English and Indonesian.

Application Use 2: Scripts and Alphabets Table

It is used for people in not being confuse while studying Sundanese script, especially students. Mostly the teacher would hand them a photocopy paper of Sundanese script which is not really visible and it may not help the students. Therefore, I made the Scripts and Alphabets Table in hope the students may learn easily.

Application Use 3: Learning Cards

Mostly for children who's still simple-minded and only wanted to have fun while learning. I made it in learning cards way, because when I used to be a kid, I love to guess letters from cards such as what I have made. That is one of the reason why I wanted to proceed with this idea.

Application Use 4: Stop-Motion Learning Cards

Mr. Vinod recommended me the 4th application use to show the people that the cards are written on both sides and to make it really obvious that it is learning cards.


03.06.19 (Week 10)

There was no feedback this week.

10.06.19 (Week 11)

General Feedback: Mr. Vinod said to always have a purpose on the idea that we chose, and it has to be able to solve problems.

Specific Feedback: I chose the idea of remaking circus typeface for my final project with the purpose to show the fun and dark/creepy sides of the circus on the typeface itself. However Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul asked, "Then why don't you just do zoo as animal abusing?" Mr. Vinod then told me that circus now is already rare and disappearing, why would I want to make a typeface that's not going to last any longer? When I told him I also want to resurrect elements of the tacky typeface for longevity of design, the lecturers said it doesn't solved any problems. Mr. Shamsul recommended me to do something related to maybe for example: Malaysia, and Mr. Vinod also suggests me to take a detailed look more into Asian and cultural things- whether it's Indonesian, Malaysian, Chinese, Japanese, anything as long as it could solve something.

Specific Feedback (Friday Consultation): I asked to Mr. Vinod if I can do Aksara Sunda (Sundanese script) from Indonesia, and he said I'm allowed to go with this idea, but I should do it ike "Baloo" fonts in Google Fonts which has script and alphabet (bilingual), so people who doesn't know the Sundanese script could read in alphabet. He suggests me to do more research in creating the alphabet version and I need to maintain the style from the script so they can become a family.

17.06.19 (Week 12)

Specific Feedback: When I showed my alphabet sketches of Sundanese script to Mr. Shamsul and Mr. Vinod, they said that it already has similar styles and I should proceed to digitalise version, both script and alphabet. Mr. Vinod told me that in dilingual typefaces, I should make the elements in the alphabet into the scipt, and the element of the script into the alphabet. My classmate Aaron told me that I should make the typefaces more consistent in some parts, and try to put some more characteristic in my alphabet, as some of them still look really modern and not really like the Sundanese script.

24.06.19 (Week 13)

Specific Feedback: I explained my rationales to Mr. Vinod of how I want to use the Sundanese script that I made for academic purpose, he told me to make simple words/sentences with the script and the translation below, so people can learn it. Also, the lecturers advised me to make more space between the letters. 'Okay. Very good. Proceed.'

Specific Feedback (Friday Consultation): I showed Mr. Vinod the simple words in Sundanese script, script pronounciation, Sundanese, English and Indonesian. He said that I shouldn't do all the same with the Roman Alphabet that I've made, but instead change it into other fonts and have hierarchy when placing my work. I asked Mr. Vinod if it's alright to make a book and he said "up to you" (which what he meant maybe it's up to me what application I want to use as long as students or people can understand the work I've made easily.

01.07.19 (Week 14)

Specific Feedback: I showed Mr. Vinod my 3 final outcomes of application use and Mr. Vinod really liked the result even though it's still half-done, since the learning cards haven't been cut yet. Mr. Vinod told me to frame the 2nd application use, cut the 3rd application use, embed into pdf for the 1st application use, and made the 4th application use which is stop motion of the learning cards.

Specific Feedback (Friday Consultation): I had done everything Mr. Vinod told me to do at Tuesday and showed him the final outcome of 4 Sundanese script application use. Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul looked really satisfied when I submitted the frame and learning cards, they even play it in the class with happy look on their faces. Mr. Vinod said there might be some crooked in the scripts, but it's not that visible so it's fine and he said that I've done a really nice job.



03.06.19 (Week 10)

When my idea got rejected in this week, I was really panicked. I thought I have made a good sketch of the typeface that I wanted to make for the circus typeface and some of my friends liked it but Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul said that it doesn't solve any problems. They wanted me to find new ideas quick.

In Friday consultation when I come up with the idea of Sundanese script, Mr. Vinod accepts it and I was really happy and relieved. I was actually quite enjoying myself when I picked this idea, as this one of the culture from my hometown. I never knew doing design from our own culture is so much fun.

10.06.19 (Week 11)

In this week, I haven't really made a lot of progress yet, since I only still had my sketches, and not the digitalised parts. Other modules were also pressuring me so I wasn't really focus on doing my advanced typography final project.

17.06.19 (Week 12)

For week 12, I have done most of my final project: digitalised alphabets and scripts and I only need to think of the application use of how I want to use my typeface for. Since I have already decided that the Sundanese script is for academic purpose, then my typeface is to educate people.

24.06.19 (Week 13)

At this week, I was supposed to have everything done, including the application use. I was actually done making the simple words and arrange them with the help from Mr. Vinod, but I just felt like there's something lacking, I wanted to have printed final outcome as well. I didn't consult to Mr. Vinod about this until the day before e-portfolio submission.

01.07.19 (Week 14)

I was really short in time because I was still printing even though the class has started from 8 am. Mr. Vinod even asked me where I was since I arrived at class at about 1:30 pm, half-hour before the class ended. When I showed Mr. Vinod the printed but not final outcome, he was surprised with the result. He somehow told me to finish it quickly and posted it on my e-portfolio and he seems excited to see the final result.

It really makes me happy when I saw the happy and satisfied expression from the lecturers when I submitted my works on Friday consultation, I felt like all my hard work has paid off. Mr. Vinod even asked me if I'm really sure to choose the specialisation 'Animation' because he said that I may be more suited to Graphic Design, which made me kind of shaky with my decision of specialisation... again. However, Mr. Vinod was the only lecturer that said those words to me, so I was really glad that it turns out I'm welcome to Graphic Design anytime. Nevertheless, Mr. Vinod told me if I really want to be an animator, then choose animation. "It all depends on your interest," he said.


03.06.19 (Week 10)

I observed the other students ideas, but many of them were also rejected by Mr. Vinod. Since Mr. Vinod wants me to have something related to cultures, I started to circled and asked around.

10.06.19 (Week 11)

I tried to see the process of my friends and have these questions on my mind: how far have they done their projects? Did their ideas got approved yet? How are they going to implement their ideas into the final project?

17.06.19 (Week 12)

Since I already had my typefaces mostly digitalised, I started to look around again for more inspiration.

24.06.19 (Week 13)

I tried to looked up on Google and Pinterest about Sundanese scripts and what can I do to make the application use.

01.07.19 (Week 14)

I saw most of my friends' works are all done, and just need to submit on this week.


03.06.19 (Week 10)

I found out that my first idea really does have no solution at all, because it wasn't a problem in the first place. I'm glad that I finally decided what I wanted to do when consulting to Mr. Vinod on Friday Consultation.

10.06.19 (Week 11)

I found out about the elements and strokes of the original Sundanese script and I have succeeded in putting the element from the script into alphabet, and alphabet to the script, because the lecturers said that it already looks similar.

17.06.19 (Week 12)

In this week, I found out more what I have to do in making typefaces: even though they have to be in the same style and same width or height, if they needed more space between the letters, then it's better to let the letter have the space than it is not readable.

24.06.19 (Week 13)

At first, I found it weird for the first attempt in Words Examples, but then when Mr. Vinod taught me and showed me the example, I now know what was wrong with my work and now I can continue in working on my application use.

01.07.19 (Week 14)

I felt like I have gained so much knowledge and learning this past few weeks in working on the final project. I assumed that the final project was making me more independent and not just asking Mr. Vinod or Mr. Shamsul for answers. Sure, they guided me for this final project, but only until that extend, and no more. The lecturers wanted the students to figure out their final project on their own, and even though it's really stressful, I found it really educating.


After I found my final idea project, I didn't really find any books that is similar with my topic since it is a script from Indonesia, but I did search for books to give me inspiration for final project weeks. I was searching for typefaces making, 3D typefaces, sketches, etc. And these books were really interesting to read.

Typographic Universe by Steven Heller and Gail Anderson

03.06.19 (Week 10)17.06.19 (Week 12)

Typography Sketch Books by Steven Heller and Lita Talarico

17.06.19 (Week 12) - 01.07.19 (Week 14)
