13.04.20 - 04.05.20 (Week 1 - Week 4)

Helen Angelia (0336203)

Motion Graphics and Compositing

Project 1 - Basic Principles of Form and Design

Module Information Booklet (MIB)

Week 1

For this week's lecture, we were briefed about the MIB, and after that, Mr. Fauzi gave us a lecture about how our brain works and strategy recommended using for us designers.

Mr. Fauzi made us submit e-portfolio and Pinterest links in Google Classroom. After he checked our blog one by one, he told us that it's already fine. We don't have to make it complicated, but simple and easy to read.

After we were given a break, Mr. Fauzi gave us a task to pin 20 creations in Pinterest and made a board specifically for this module. I believe our lecturer wants us to expand our knowledge by looking for inspirations and what kind of design styles we like so that we would be motivated to work on our assignments.

We were also advised not to just write short writings on our blog. This is so Mr. Fauzi can understand his students more by looking at what we have written in e-portfolio and how far we know the materials given in this module.

Pinterest Pinning (1)

Pinterest Pinning (2)

Week 2

In our second week, we were told to make collages from papers, compile them into 3 parts but we were instructed not to glue them yet until the work has been approved. Since it was the Covid-19 outbreak, I could not go outside the house and only use any resources I can take at home, which is newspapers.

Newspapers were not as flashy and colorful as magazines, so the topics I found interesting there is very little. Suddenly, I thought of the idea of making a collage based on the pandemic. I wanted to tell the people with my work that it is not a good idea to go outside and better stay inside to keep ourselves safe from the virus.

Mr. Fauzi also gave us instruction or tutorials of making a good collage by sharing with us this video. From here on, we can follow the steps and do our work effectively at home.

Collage Making Tutorial

Here are my submitted works:

Covid-19 Collage

I showed Mr. Fauzi the first 3 compositions and for the first one, he said the background made the artwork too flat. For the third one, he said I depend solely on the elements and it makes the collage look empty. Mr. Fauzi likes the second one the most. The message and the storytelling are there. Every part and every section explains the story, but the background is a distraction.

Mr. Fauzi said he likes the way I understand pre-compositions as my ideas kept overflowing through the 3 collages. But he told me that I should now do them one by one while he helped me dissecting 3 or 4 parts of second collage composition and told me to re-arrange it with other backgrounds.

Collage Revision

He also said that I'm good at infographics and how I should focus on doing the motion graphic based on that. He told me I have gathered so much data, but I still couldn't figure out how audiences will look at it and read it. He told me to focus on which to start first.

I took Mr. Fauzi's feedback and tried to make 4 more compositions. It was very confusing making the collage and I even searched for more newspapers to add new elements.

  1. Composition #4 was when I tried to take the background off, just like how he had suggested me to do. 
  2. Composition #5 is to tell the people about securities has been increasing throughout Indonesia to keep the people stay at their home. 
  3. Composition #6 is to bring awareness of the virus and how we should always wear a mask whenever we go outside the house. 
  4. Composition #7 is to tell society that staying in our house could be fun and not all that boring.

When I showed it again to Mr. Fauzi in the next class, he said now I can compare the first work with the other work and so on. From the 7 compositions I have created, Mr. Fauzi told me to go with composition #5 as it reflects unity where everything is in order and pleasant to the eyes.

Here is the final composition that was chosen:

Final Collage Composition

Week 3 - Week 4

In week 3, we already started on working our first project, which is making motion graphics based on principles of form and design.

Basic Principles of Form and Design

After we understand in making compositions, Mr. Fauzi showed us what we are going to do for our project 1, which is making basic animation of symmetry, focus, scale, and rhythm. We didn't have to make the other 4 (movement, hierarchy, balance, and direction) because Mr. Fauzi already made it for us. We were only instructed to make an animation from no.5 - no.8 and combine it with no.1 - no.4 in the final work.

Before we begin the first project, the lecturer gave us a tutorial of simple animation in Adobe After Effects. Here is my work for the tutorial.

Project 1 Tutorial

After I understand what should be done for this project, I started making sketches and planning out what I wanted to do. After that, I immediately form the shape in After Effects and started animating.

Since symmetry is all about the same shape and they reflect each other, I plan to make a sun kind-of-thing and from separating them, into combining them.


Focus is an element to capture the audience's eyes into one spot, therefore I made their eyes to focus on the circle dot in the center and made it disappear.


Scale is all about size and weight. Only scaling the shapes between 0%-100% is too boring, that's why I made the boxes scaled flat in the last scene after getting themselves in order.


Rhythm, which means repetitive and has a harmony between its movements. It reminds me of an audio player that rises ups and downs following the beat of the music. I first made one composition of rhythm and duplicates the other 2 and vanished into thin air.


After I had done the 4 parts: symmetry, focus, scale, and rhythm, we were told to put them in the boxes. After that, we played Mr. Fauzi's composition first after the first scene and the final compilation for the last part.

Composition of Basic Principles

Here is my final artwork for project 1:

Project 1 - Final Artwork



It was actually quite confusing as it is the first online class held for this semester and I'm still not familiar with Zoom. But Mr. Fauzi explained all the material in detail and told us how our brain as designers works which makes the e-learning quite easy. It was pretty interesting actually. But, as the beginning of the semester just starts, I must admit there were some miscommunications between the students and the lecturer which made the class very confusing as everything was inconsistent and not in order.


When Mr. Fauzi was checking our e-portfolio, he also showed us his blog and how to organize things nicely and neatly. I actually agree with how Mr. Fauzi checked our work one by one so that none of us got left behind and everyone can move at the same pace. I observed quite a lot of things in making the exercises and the first project. Making the collage helps out in creating motion animation for the symmetry, focus, scale, and rhythm.


I found out about designers' critical thinking and judgment while learning in this class and I also learned that pre-composition and compositing are very important in making our artworks. Mr. Fauzi also told us every time in class that our work has to be organized including the files in Adobe Softwares. Though clients wouldn't care about file naming, it would definitely help us do our work easier and more efficiently. Not to mention, motion graphics can be done in groups, and for a person that will hand over the work to the other, we had to make it clear from the file naming, so our partners won't be confused reading the files later on.


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